I was up late one night, watching some random MMA fights on TV, when I spyed Uriah Faber (WEC Featherweight champ) rocking the 'white dudes with cornrows' look. Nice!
It got me to thinking about other white dudes and their fabulous braided 'dos...

Junior paces the floor like a crazyass white dude wearing cornrows that are too tight. He turns around and sees Raoul glaring at him.
What the fuck are you lookin' at, Babyback Ribs? Don't you know that I'm a bad muthafucka?! I'm wearin' cornrows, see?!
Junior fiercely points to his cornrow bedecked noggin.
Raoul's eyes narrow to a squint as he continues to glare at Junior. He takes out a surface to air bazooka and launches a missile directly at Junior's head. The missile connects with it's target and totally fucks up Juniors cornrows.
Nobody calls me Babyback Ribs and lives!

How about our favorite former 'Nsync rugrat, Justin "JT" Timberlake? Not only did he NOT bring the sexy back in this pic, Sexy actually got up and stormed off while yelling incoherent obscenities at JT and everybody else in the room.

It looks as if Brad just gave up during the cornrowing process and decided to go with a half cornrow, half regular white dude 'do (while sporting a replica of the headband Bjorn Borg wore when he won his 17th Wimbledon title.). Impressive!
So, the next time you encounter a white dude wearing cornrows, give 'em a high five or a pound. He's earned it!
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